In 2020, Telegram has become an integral part of our lives, in this messenger we not only communicate and exchange stickers. We learn about the novelties of music, movies and books, read news, read a bunch of useful information on work and for entertainment. In this article we talk about Telegram channels for readers and book lovers, where you can find books, download books, generally learn about new products or just read cool texts. In order to find the desired channel or bot - click on the link in the title, or in the search bar in Telegram enter the name of the channel. After that, subscribe to the channel and receive news of the channel or use the bot.
Telegram-channels with books
Flibusta Book is a book downloading bot
Book fraternity
@flibusta One of the most famous and oldest resources for downloading books on the Ru-web. Here the most famous books and their brief description from the service Briefly are published daily - for those who do not want to spend time to read the book in full. It's a pretty good option. For those who want to read the book in full, but again, do not want to waste time - you can listen to the audiobook. And the audiobook is also located inside Telegram, divided into several dozens of chapters and published in Telegram. Convenient. I read a brief description of the book "Flowers for Algernon", quite bearable brief description, you can use it to be heard erudite, although a full immersion in the book and the essence will not get.
Download business books on Telegram
Business books Channel with business books. Every day published 1-2 books on the topic of business, self-development, productivity, marketing, money and so on. You can read an excerpt of the book and download the full version of the book.
@minibooks This channel will appeal to those who appreciate content and meaning rather than a long read to get to the point. The MiniBooks channel offers fiction books in an abridged version with the time required to read a short book review (usually 10-15 minutes). This option will appeal to students and all busy people. This is certainly not an audiobook, but agree, to know the content of the book in 10 minutes and to be able to maintain a conversation about it after - is worth a lot.
@bookminds Here you will see tons of quotes from books, winged expressions, short stories and facts about characters and even cute poems. A lot of it is in the form of pictures that you can download to your gadget.
Only children's books to read
@tolkodetskie This telegram channel will appeal to children and their parents. Their author is Anya Pivovarova, who talks about novelties in the world of children's books, book characters, complementing it with bright illustrations. Here you can choose not only a book to read before bedtime, but also a variant of a gift for a baby for the holidays.
Book Fox
@booksfox It is safe to say that this is one of the most popular book telegram channels, the author of which is a girl Lesya. She shares her impressions about the latest books, as she reads a lot herself, tells fascinating facts and stories about authors. But the main feature is the presence of selections by mood, genres, style, for holidays. You can choose several similar books at once, without bothering to search.
52 Books
@fifty_two_books Business books with a short description and a link to download the book. The authors claim that they can find any book for free, all they have to do is say so. I haven't tried it, though... let's do an experiment, I'll order the book "How to Spend a Million You Don't Have" by Gregory Korogodsky. I'll let you know what happens.
Bookworm Channel
@BookwormChannel A channel of an acquaintance of mine. I subscribed because she writes interestingly about what she herself has read. Sometimes, on her recommendations I really find interesting books. The main thing for me is that the channel has no advertising, it's quiet and peaceful, and post once a month basically. Isn't that a beauty).
Bots in Telegram for downloading books
@flibustafreebookbot My favorite book channel bot. Doesn't work on iPhone, but works fine on Mac and for Android. It's not really a channel, but rather a bot for finding books. It's easy to use - you have to type in the title of the book, the bot will find several book options with a brief description, and it can be several pages long. Select the book you want, and specify in what format you want to download the book. After downloading, the book opens in any of the reading apps, I usually read with the Bookmate app. You can launch this Telegram bot in the Telegram app for Android and iOS, desktop or web version.
Publishing Telegram Channels
Ukrainian Heroes
@ukrainianheroes Anonymous dudes decided to publish a heroic series of books in Ukraine. They tell about it in their Telegram channel: from writing the book itself to the details of its publication, distribution and work with potential buyers. If you know more normal Telegram channel with books or with a selection of books, or channels where you can download books for free to read - write in the comments. The best channels will be included in the article. And in conclusion, you don't always want to read, sometimes you want to relax in other ways, like watching or watching videos or playing games. That's why I recommend you this article how to play Crash X from Turbo Games, with strategy tips and tricks.